Friday, May 18, 2012

This is my latest painting in oil...  Persimonn, acorn squash and  copper pitcher  20 x 12 canvas  - oil. This is my Still Life 39 of Dan Edmondson workshop.    This first quarter of 2012 has been very exciting and stressfull. I'm posting this entry from D.C. where I'm living for the next 2 years. I got accepted to Howard University College of Dentistry  International Dentist program , which will give me my 2nd DDS degree and open many more opportunities in the dental field.  I sold two paintings to my good friend Bill, and that was very neat - and I promptly decided to paint the next still life. I was to go forward to #10, but I went to my own composition instead.   It is one of my best so far, I;m so happy. Hopefully I will be able to paint more in the next 2 years.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

I have had this unusual frame for years and I also have another one similar as this one. Those are Italian window frames reproductions, which I found very cheap at Michael's on a clearance bin. I cut my canvas gator board to fit, and just couldn't decided how to make it work. Its very small about 7x5. So one day in january looking at this gourd I came up with the vision of just placing the gourd hanging over the edge to create the tromphe oilel (spell???) effect... I added more in the bacground to keep the eyes in the painting... I guess it worked.

Still life #8, from Dan Edmondson's workshop - asian vase with berries. Oil on masonite, 16 x 12. I love Dan's set ups and demos. Small details like the light on the branches were too white, my grapes a little distracting and also my vase designs captured the eye in the vase. Minor adjustments , dark glazing on the vase, and voila! This photo is before those adjustments.
At The Pasadena Art Expo I attended to a full day workshop " Sketching with watercolors and Keeping an artist's journal". Brenda Swenson was the instructor, and since then I've kept my journal almost on a daily basis - lot's of fun, non committed art - that's why is personal... This art expo is very dangerous - new brushes, watercolor palette, sketchbooks, canvases, pens...

Wow... It has been quite some time since my last blog update. So here we are , Easter Sunday 2012... and this post is about my artwork displayed at the juried show at "ArtExpo 2011 @ Pasadena Convention Center". Didn't win a thing but was just great to have all my submissions chosen to the expo. It's a fun event, lost of classes and reasonable sales on the expo floor. Probably I will not expose @ this year's because I got accepted for a 2 year long program in Advanced training in Genreal Dentistry @ Howard University in D.C., and we are on the process of moving to D.C.