Saturday, November 29, 2008

Today's plein air painting at the Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, in the early afternoon.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Painting class at Eaton Canyon, yesterday, nov. 22 with Frank Serrano. He is amazing... and this is my painting. Probably this was my last lesson w/ Frank this year... we'll may have one more session. Eric Merrel was there too with his students... I may join his group next year...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

This is a study after Frank Serrano's clas in San Pedro 2 weeks ago - there are many improvements to be done, but every session I see my painting get better...

This one was my plein air at Frank Serano's class at Santa Monica last saturday in the afternoon... at this time of the year the days are shorter and the sun goes down very quickly. This was the day of those several wild fires, so the air was smoke filled and you could really smell it, and at the same time created those wonderful colors at sunset... my painting is ok, but frank's it was something to be seen... what a master!

And then finished - at my studio - of course in a very quick way...

Monday, October 27, 2008

I just came back from a "quickie" at Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, 5 min. drive from home... I got there about 10 past 4 and by the time I set up and started the light changed very rapidly... and the bright spots on the trees became much warmer and brighter, and I wasn't able to capture that... and also I heard noises in the bushes so I just packed and left...

I'm about done with this one... Probably, I'll still go back and touch up some areas.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

SOLD!!! Last night at the opening for the collectors of the California Art Club. Again, it was my very first show , there were so many incredible pieces... so exciting!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

These are conte crayon and soft pastel on charcoal paper - both are "Ponte Vecchio" one in the morning and after sunset...
Those are drawings from photos I took in our Italy Vac. in Jan. 08. I always try to take as many painterly scenes as possible... Those are Conte Crayon and charcoal , on charcoal paper ... "Mercado di Pesce - Venezia", "Piazza della Signoria - Firenze", and "Il Duomo Di Firenze"...

Here are my studies for the Rialto paint out...

Those I also painted on the Rialto Paint out, and the show at the South Pas library is tomorrow... I'm very excited and anxious, because this is my first time ever showing my work... I planned this paintings since I found out about this paint out... on august / sept. the light was much more interesting for the "doorway" painting... I'll will post my other studies for this painting... for the Theatre facade I also painted several times... I didn't realize that was allowed to enter paintings done also on other days besides oct. 12.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

"Oaklawn Bridge" south pas. plein air painting for the Rialto Visions... on oct 13, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

This is my version of Guilliamin's, hanging in my office...

This is at the Orsay Musee, paris..

Plaster cast drawing / charcoal on newsprint

Thursday, October 16, 2008

This is " Borgo San Felice" - Tuscany.

Thisis my version of Renoir's "Pont Des Arts" - is one of my fav paintings at "Norton Simon Museum" here in Pasadena. This is a way of study, copying the masters...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Charcoal on newsprint - "6pm mass at Notre Dame de Paris".

This is from our 2 weeks in Paris in jan 2007, cooking class at Cordon Bleu - charcoal on newsprint.

Another charcoal on newsprit - another Caillebotte...

Home work for Basics of Drawing classes at LAAFA with ANDREW GORMLEY..." Raboteurs du parquet"

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

This is plein air at griffith park... it was my first session with Frank Serrano... I was in a hurry because I had a business meeting at lunch time... so I did this in about an hour and 15 minutes...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

This is my work in progress - Cafe du Monde - N. O - I think it's almost finished... oil on canvasboard

This is a quick sketch of the Rialto Theatre in South Pasadena. There will be a "paint out" on oct 12th, and this will be my first time ever participating at such event . I'm very excited.
This is pastel on pastel board. It's a New Orleans scene. I called it " Royal at Bourbon - winter rain" . I love New Orleans - I'm always longing for my next trip to N.O.

This is my self portrait... It's charcoal on bristol paper... I'm a little skinnier and young looking that I really am... possibly I was looking into my soul... I attended to great drawing classes at LAAFA, and so far one my fav instructors was Sergio Sanchez... but I also really enjoyed the almost private sessions with Glenn Vilppu.


I love art, and I love making it. It's my dream to go thru a full time art program in the future. I have been taking classes here and there and I feel very lucky to have access to classes with the best artists in this country... and they are so many... I've been learning figure drawing and I still struggle in teaching myself on painting it... I always have a project on my little home office/ studio ... I use photographs, I do still life set ups, and I'm usually my own model... I have been very busy at work (I'm a dentist) and I had to quit my part classes for a while... i'm looking forward in getting back to it. Luckly I joined Frank Serrano's saturday's plein air workshops and I was able to catch a couple sessions before this year ends. This painting is from a pic I took in Italy - Amalfi i the winter... It's an water based oil painting.